Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Skiing with Terry and Lucy

Our ski trip this past weekend brought back many memories of previous winter time excursions to the cabin. Sometimes we were able to drive in, others required use of skis or snowshoes. As recorded on the parchment hanging in the cabin, one of the first winter time stays was over New Years Day 1970 when I was fifteen.

I remember we had prepared in the fall by storing a lot of firewood inside the cabin (must of been before a decent woodshed was built) and we were able to heat the cabin to the point of dressing down to a T-shirt it got so hot. Ernest, Pearl, Celia and I shared this trip.

There have been many more since then, but it has been a few years since Terry and I have been in during the winter.

Terry and I have had Kelty backpacks for years, but Lucy just got her pack last Friday, her very own Kelty Chuckwagon K-9 pack, so she could carry her water (and some of ours) and her food too.

Here are some more pictures to share with you. More to come as I learn how to add elements.

Mel & Terry

Monday, January 28, 2008

Fresh Snow

As Terry and I left Rambler's Roost Sunday afternoon in a fresh falling snow, we had no idea that it would be snowing at home 56 miles away in Medford. But as we traveled Highway 62 towards town, the snow continued to fall. When we arrived home our house and yard were white with snow and this morning there was nearly five inches. A long ways from the four feet covering the ground at the cabin (and the roof of the outhouse!) but still very pretty.

I thought we could use this blog to share some of our times at the cabin. Hopefully to be available to all who love and cherish the serenity and shelter of it's humble walls. Time will tell how well this works as a viable media for sharing. The cabin's history and lure has lasted a long time and there are many stories to tell.

For now, if you have pictures to share or comments, please email to ramblersroost@hotmail.com and I will try to include them in this blog. Also, as you think of folks who should be aware of this blog, either send them a link, or email me their addresses so they can be invited to join us here.

Until next time....Mel and Terry