What an outstanding year we had for muzzleloader elk season! Opportunities abounded all week long. Not every day, but often enough to keep the excitement and anticipation level high. Everyone saw elk...everyone had a shot at a bull. Some operator errors led to weapon "mal-function" which allowed bull escapement. The weather was so much better for hunting than October general season. It started with old snow (several days old) that pretty much disappeared after a few days of mild temperatures and some rain, but was replaced starting Wednesday evening with fresh, new snow. If new snow had arrived a day or two earlier I am sure we would have brought home more meat. As it turns out an opening day 3x3 bull was the one tag filled.
Friday, November 26th marks the opening of Christmas Tree hunting season. We are looking forward to another fun family outing looking for that perfect evergreen specimen to fell by saw or axe, tag it, drag it, haul it, trim it, enjoy it!