Sunday, February 10, 2008


WOW! is the most heard expression when we share these pictures with anyone. Terry and Lucy and I decided to go back to the cabin two weeks after our last trip to see what the snow depth was and we were impressed. Thanks to Drew, who visited the day before us, access to the porches and the outhouse were neatly trenched with steps.

We stayed a few hours, ate our lunch, sat by the fire and read, and I took a nap on the couch. We may not get a chance to see the snow this deep for a long time. But the cabin is snug and so peaceful buried in winter's comforter. There have been times we could drive in nearly all winter, but this year it could be into April or May before the road is passable.

We took sixty-five pictures yesterday but will only post a few here. If you wish to see the complete album, leave a comment with your email address and I will direct you to my Kodak Gallery.

Remember to check with Ernest if you plan to go to the cabin, even for a day trip, as someone may have it reserved. And for early spring reservations, you may need to plan on hiking or snowshoeing in this year.

Mel and Terry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sight!!! How exciting to see pictures of the cabin in so much snow. I would love to see the rest of the pictures you have on the Kodak gallery. Please add me to your mailing list, it is always fun to hear of the cabin throughout the year. My e-mail address is

Thanks, Denise